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Best Factory Vastu Consultants in Delhi NCR
Setting up of factory or an industrial unit requires a lot of investment. As its place to work for many laborers so it is vital to plan things accordingly to avoid any mishappening or misfortune. For those looking to set up a factory in Delhi NCR can follow some of the suggested tips by Vastu India. Believe it or not but Vastu always helps to save the investment, efforts, life and hopes too. Vastu of factory leads to larger production and better monetary profits and peaceful operation in the long run.
Vastu Tips for Factory or Industrial Unit
Direction and entrance of factory:
It is always advisable to set up a factory in East, North or North-east direction to get going and prosper. The entrance of the factory must be in East direction.
Vastu of Owners Office and Puja Room:
East or North portion is recommended for setting up of owner’s office. H she should sit facing North for all kind dealing and discussion. A pooja room or a temple should be in the northeast corner and should be kept neat and clean.
Slope of Land:
The sloping of the floors should be towards East, North and Northeast sides. There should be no obstruction in or near the entrance of the factory. More open space should be left in the East and Northside. The sloping of the floors should be never towards South, West.
Placement of Factory Machinery:
Southwest, West & South zones are considered best for the placement of heavy machinery. However in some cases, like if you are in manufacturing powder from stone, then North-West corner is best to place the stone crushing machine. Northeast and centers of the building should be avoided for placing anything heavy. In heavy industries heat zones like burners, ovens, boilers, furnace transformers, generators, chimneys should be in the Southeast corner.
Placement of Electrical equipments as per Vastu:
South-east direction is best for the placement of electrical equipment, meters, generators, boilers etc. This will not just ensure the proper function of these electrical equipments but will also minimize the chances of any accident or mishappening.
Vastu Placement of the raw materials and finished goods:
South-west corner is most suited for the storage of raw material or stacks. The West Zone is also good for the raw materials in a factory. However, if dealing in liquid then it is advisable to store towards the North or North-East. Finished good rooms should be in the Northwest corner of the area.
Placement of Tube-well or bore well:
North-east direction of any factory is best for the provision of tube-well and bore well while overhead tanks should be placed in South-west. A septic tank in a factory should be constructed in the South of South West or the West of North West.
In India you can find many factories that are Vastu compliant. Irrespective of the size of the factory they are applying industrial Vastu Shastra principles to avoid problems relating to production, administration, finances, labor, etc.
Top Vastu Experts in Delhi NCR
Welcome to Nishantt Malikk Vastu Consultancy, where we offer top-notch Vastu consulting services for your home / office / commercial space to help you achieve harmony and balance in your life.
Vastu Vistar Consultants are the best Vastu Consultants & Vastu Experts expanding their services in the region of Ambala, Chandigarh, Moahli, Dehli, Gurugram & Noida. We are dedicated to transforming spaces into hubs of harmony, prosperity, and posi
9779358542 Ashissh kumaar House number 2425, Sector 38C, Sector 38, Chandigarh, 160038
I am Ashissh kumaar, a professional Vastu Consultant based in India, dedicated to promoting positivity and well-being. Currently, I work with Helping Coaach, a team of Vastu experts, offering personalized online Vastu services for clients.
Our Sampurn Vastu Team is your partner in Success and Brilliance. Our Team of Vastu Experts include Senior Vastu Consultants - Shri Amit Kohli (Author, Personal & business Transformation Expert, Vastu & Energy Consultant.
Pradeep Bhambi is a spirituality blessed practitioner of the sublime art of remedial vastu for industrial commercial and institutional establishments without structural changes since the last 17 years.
Pradeep Bhanot's The Cosmic Voice is in the domain of providing Cosmic insights to individuals corporates and communities thru astrology vastu shastra and divination since the last 15years.
9810422279 Nalin Sachdeva Road no-5, House no-10, East Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi-110026
We at Vasturaah are professionally qualified and highly talented Vastu experts. We also take care of aesthetics and interiors. Vasturaah expert consultants specialize in Vastu for residential and commercial purposes.